Monday, March 3, 2014

The Hierarchy of Followship

A lot is made of leadership, but following is a big deal, too. People really like to follow. Some of the people I follow on Twitter have multi-millions of followers. We follow on Instagram, too, and we congregate as friends on Facebook. Sports teams, screen actors, and musicians all have followings. There's "THE Following" with Kevin Bacon. (we even created a party game following Kevin Bacon!)

 I follow my wife - around the house and around town. I love her! I like to be with Sandie. I want to employ my strengths for her, make her life easier if I can. In many ways, following shows what you're made of and what your values are. Following reveals what you aspire to. And there are different magnitudes of following. I certainly don't follow the NFL the way I follow my bride. (Well, not from Valentine's to Thanksgiving anyway.) Your hierarchy of followship says a lot about you. That's important to consider in light of your social circles, because many will jump on your path to follow who you're following. Especially the young ones. We have influence.

That's why I'm creating this blog - "Why I Follow." Since I have some influence (as we all do) and since we're all followers of some kind (not always sheep-like and uncritical, but followers in the best sense of it), I'd like to tell you who I'm following and why. I'd like to tell you about the one who draws my highest magnitude of followship and who sits at the top of my hierarchy. I'd like to tell you about Jesus Christ.

I promise, I won't assault your eyes with "shoulds" and "oughts,"or insult your intelligence with any kind of religion sales pitch. I just want to tell you about the One I follow, and a little bit about why I do that. And if there is any influence embedded in my stories, and you feel moved to jump on this same path, go for it -- follow Jesus.

"When Jesus came down from the mountain, large crowds followed Him." Matthew 8:1


  1. Thank you, Elizabeth. If any of your Christian friends would like some encouragement for their faith, or if they are looking for an additional means of sharing the gospel with folks, please refer them here. It would be so awesome to know that there are new Jesus Followers out there, nudged a bit by this blog. Love to you and David!
